
What we offer…

  • Working with you and identifying your requirements we can help to improve attendance, overall performance, and help reduce stress for employees and the employer.

  • This may be as a one off event or part of a Wellness Program. Packages are available for home based workers and off site workers.

  • We offer interesting, energizing and interactive sessions to add to your conference or training program. We also offer techniques and tools to bring calm and balance to the individuals and group.

  • Most companies are forced into a ‘more for less’ environment, usually resulting in high staff absence rates and stress related issues. This is not good for the individual, their family and friends, nor the business. We both have proven track records in the business world of improving performance with and through people and reducing sick absences.

The sessions delivered as part of our managing attendance program were unique, enjoyable and effective. The scientific evidence that supports your seminars is refreshing and reassuring. Managers and staff fed back how they enjoyed it and how interesting fun and useful it was and how they feel empowered to influence their own wellbeing and that of their colleagues. Personally I also enjoyed it very much.”


“You share a wonderful and empowering gift with the world, allowing ourselves to take care and heal. We are blessed to have you in our community. Thanks for coming to our school to share.”

S.H  Student Wellness Centre Co-ordinator, Shelburne Regional High School  November 2011.

Here is what group toning can sound like - brilliant for deeper breathing. Brilliant on the ears. Music for the soul.